House Style Proposal

The house style proposal lays out a guide lines for when i am making the magazine. the Proposal sources its information from the results of the questionnaire.

Questionnaire Results and Review

After carrying out the questionnaire I collated the results andput them into the form of a pie chart I then commented on all of he results so I could use the the conclsions made to help make my magazine.
Results and review Page 1

Results and review Page 2

Results and Review Page 3


I Created a questionnare to find out what the magazine would offer to its target adience in terms of genre, Layout and Colour Scheme.

Questionnaire Page 1

Questionnaire Page 2

Inner Page And Contents Page Analysis

Inner Page Analysis

On the Inner Page Analysis of a double page spread I looked at how conventiona; elements are used to great effect over the page.

The Page that I Reviewed

Contents Page Analysis

For the contents page analysis I looked at the conventonal elements of the contents page and said how they were usd to good effect.

Front Cover Analysis

For the front cover analysis I looked at the front cover of Kerrang music magazine and analysed the conventional elements of the the magazine an how they are used to good effect.

The Magazine Cover I Reviewed

Ancillary Task

We carried out the Ancillary Task to gain experience in using Adobe Photoshop. This Magazine had to be a college magazine and aimed at teenagers (students of the college).

The Front Cover

The Contents Page